Project Summary :
Introduce " community " presence onto Netflix platform to elevate virtual connection experience.
My Role
Desk Research, User Testing , and designing the interface
Desktop - Website
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop , Adobe XD

Netflix is a mini project that I decided to create during my final year at RMIT. Unlike any project that I have worked on, this project is not assigned as a UX/UI project . I just used a UX framework to work around the brief that was assigned in class.
After the SWOT analysis, I weigh the importance of each opportunity factor that has the most potential to develop into a creative solution. Hence, I decided to tackle the “community” feature on the platform. As we all know, what a person watches could tell a lot about their personality and identity. This led me to think of the possibility of transforming Netflix from purely streaming purpose platform to a platform where one could share their movie preferences and interests and have an identity.

The main goal of this project is to elevate the virtual connection that users can experience and introduce "community" presence for Netflix members.
Style Guide
Aside from improving the features side of the platform, I also redesigned the visual appearance of Netflix. I decided to create a style guide to follow, which assists with the consistency among each section which also acts as a guideline of the elements on the platform.
After having a clear concept of what I aim to achieve in this project, I sketched out the wireframe of the additional page that will be introduced. On this stage, the visual elements are not fully implemented as I want to focus on the functionality and layout of the whole page.
My Profile is a page where Netflix users can turn Netflix into their personalized space.
There is a biography section for users to introduce themselves to others.
"My collection" section is created for the user to archive their own movies/TV shows collection based on their desired category. For instance, this could be a movie they want to watch when they want to feel certain emotions.
My Interest is a section where users can display their interest in the genre, directors, and casts and rank their top movies or shows.
My Preference is a section where users could have fun ranking their watchlist. This is an extension feature of the like/dislike feature available on the current Netflix platform. By having a clear ranking system of your movie taste, your visitors can know more about what you prefer as an individual. This feature could also be a strategy that prompts users to watch more content on the platform as it is entertaining to collect their reviews.
Current Statistic is an archive section of a user's past watchlists; in other words, it features the user's entire activity since their early days on Netflix. This feature allows users to trace back their watchlist and see their movie taste changes. With the dropped category, users can view the content and maybe realize the pattern of the shows and have a better understanding of their taste.

After finalizing the features for the page, I started coming up with different versions for the designs. This step was about mocking up different designs by exploring the text hierarchy, visual hierarchy, interactivity of the buttons, styles of the controls, and the overall layout appearance.
Followings, Followers, Mutuals
Displayed below profile picture: Give more space to the bio section; however, appearance-wise, it lacks interactivity as it gives the user perception that it isn't clickable.
Displayed above bio input: The content is organized in a single row that can be found on many social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram; by setting a breathable spacing between the bio section, it will not look cluttered.
Four dot points
Users can be misunderstood that clicking on the dot means that the My Profile page switched onto a new page instead of a particular section(i.e., My Collection)
Menu Bar position
Display on the top: Keep the whole interface much more simple compared to having it on the side as it gives more negative space for the eyes; much more common to have a navigation bar on the top
Display on the left side: Reduce the space for other page content, bio, every section(i.e, My Interest) are more packed together
Scroll bar
Users are more familiar with a vertical scroll bar than a horizontal one. Therefore, I decided to avoid using an unusual horizontal bar feature.
Edit feature
I designed to explore the appearance of the edit feature with three designs, such as using a pencil icon, using the word edit itself, and last, using three dots icon.
However, from the feedback received, it is best to be straightforward with the features. Therefore, I decided to label the feature as the word edit itself instead of using any icons.

After the feedback for different iterations, I selected the best designs that make the experience simple and effective for the users.
However, users point out that they find the features "My Interest" and "My Preference" clash with "My collection" feature. Yes, the purpose of each archive are different but the user flow for these three archives are similar.
I realized users could assign the purpose of their collection without being restricted to what was presented.
The page features four main sections; the biography, following/followers/mutuals, my interest, and my collection.
For the walkthrough prototype, I designed the rest of the screens when features were active. For instance, an expandable tab with list of followers appears when users clicked on it and additional edit options for the edit feature are added.
My Biography
Followings, Followers, Mutuals
My Collection
My Interest
What I learn from the experience
This was a project I worked on by myself. I realized the five steps of the design thinking process are not effective enough for me as it does not give me much flexibility and an exact timeframe for each step.
I learn that finding your workflow, which allows you to get back on track while jumping between testing and prototyping, is so important as there always be minor challenges along the whole process.
Flexible Workflow
I learn that no matter how transparent or thoughtful you think your product is to the user, user frictions are inevitable. Never assume that the users will fully understand the function of the prototype you create; therefore, it is crucial to have a mindset of iterating the designs repeatedly, even with the slightest adjustment.
My Art Corner

Scroll to see the whole presentation below
Netflix Redesigned
Next Step
If I were to expand on this project, several user testing would be conducted. Moreover, the parameters and metrics should be measured to ensure that the introduction of “ My Profile” page does attract Netflix members to interact with each other. Conversion rate and the number of activities that occurred on “My Profile” page will be recorded as it is the factor to validate the idea’s success.
1. Select one existing online platform ( mobile application, e-commerce site, platform et cetera)
2. Suggest additional features that could be implemented to improve the platform.
I decided to reimagine Netflix experience , as simple as the reason was, I love watching movies. Moreover, I could see the potential of expanding the site as streaming site is such a growing platform nowadays.
1. Select one existing online platform ( mobile application, e-commerce site, platform et cetera)
2. Suggest additional features that could be implemented to improve the platform.
I decided to reimagine Netflix experience , as simple as the reason was, I love watching movies. Moreover, I could see the potential of expanding the site as streaming site is such a growing platform nowadays.